Telephony IP, digital, analog

Telephony is intended to organize a remote connection between two or more communication subscribers. With its help, negotiations are held in the office, city, country and between them, establish a modem connection in online mode, send faxes.

Principle of operation

During a conversation, the device converts sound waves (speech) into an electrical impulse. This is a signal that is transmitted over the telephone network to the other side. The receiver's apparatus converts the signal back into sound waves comparable to the original.
Advantages of telephony:
  • high speed communications;
  • prevalence in different geographical areas;
  • ease of use;
  • reliability of sound data transmission;
  • low-cost equipment and network deployment work.
They transmit signals along the trunk lines between two exchanges. For this, two types of signal transformation technologies are used: analog and digital (multiplexing, TDM). The system also includes the capacity of actually laid telecommunication lines, which allow you to simultaneously transmit signals of various types on one trunk.

Telephony Classification

Analogue is a type of speech translation by converting sound waves into analogue electrical pulses. The signal is transmitted over a switched message line. For a long period, it was the only available way of real-time remote voice communication
Based on the conversion of the analog signal (in time and sound transmission level), it has become possible to change its amplitude, phase and pulse frequency into a digital signal. The new signal is processed by software methods and transmitted via TDM telecommunication networks.
Digital - digital code transmission over specialized networks. Unlike analog telephony - high quality communications, matching the original sound of the voice, accelerated data transfer mode. A digital telephone exchange detects network channel faults, reducing communication outages.
IP-telephony is a set of protocols for network communications, technologies and methods for dialing a standard subscriber number directly from a computer. Provides two-way communication through speech, video. Interaction takes place over any TDM network, including the Internet. The signal is transmitted in the form of a digital code, compressed at the input, and unpacked to the original at the output, reducing the load on the network.
Mobile communication is a method of telephony over radio frequencies between subscribers with an undefined location. It is characterized by the term “mobile communications”.
Voice Objects:
  • device or software model for voice client communication;
  • switchboard or office telephone exchange;
  • provider.

What we do

  1. We study the business processes of the organization:
  • find out the ways and specifics of the communication of employees within the company;
  • find out the presence and location of company branches within the country and abroad;
  • establish the nature and method of voice communication with company customers.
  1. We analyze the installed voice communication system:
  • analyze the summary of call characteristics from the telecom operator;
  • find priority communication lines;
  • take an inventory of existing communication channels;
  • conduct research of switching and subscriber equipment.
  1. Introducing the complete solution:
  1. select the optimal technology for telephony (IP, digital, analog).
  2. proposal for switching and subscriber equipment.
  3. proposal for optimal operators.
  4. integration with a GSM gateway (mobile operators).
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