
E-banking is a way of providing financial services to individuals and businesses through web services. Today it is a popular type of customer communication with banks, which requires less investment, which makes servicing cheaper. The second advantage is a simple expansion of the circle of regular customers in a short time.
So, for the bank - this is a minimum investment of funds and a quick set of users. And for the client - a lower fee for electronic services, compared with the "live".
The Client-Bank system via the Internet allows you to receive such services without leaving the office building:
- To issue and send financial documentation to the central office: reports, payroll receipts, payroll, etc.
- Different types of applications, such as for the purchase of foreign currency, applications for tranche (credit transfers), operations with payment and credit cards (opening, closing, renewing, blocking) and others.
- Receive operational advice and data on the status of your accounts in the information sections of the electronic banking system, online chats, etc.
- “Monitoring” - prompt notification of a bank client via SMS, or email notification of current changes with accounts.
- Receive payment reports from your accounts through terminals.
- View and print a personal account statement.
- View and print statements on corporate accounts (card accounts).
- Integration with accounting software such as 1C.
- Exchange of electronic correspondence with bank employees, the ability to attach files to a letter.
- View, import and print invoice data directly from the electronic banking system.
- Access to a personal or corporate archive of operations with accounts in the electronic banking system and outside it for a long period.
- Save templates of previous documents, draw up new ones on their basis.
- Keep track of the history of stored transaction documentation.
- Using an automatic database to fill in the fields with details.
- Manage the state of deposit accounts, withdraw funds.
Types of Remote Electronic Banking
System "Fat Client" (Bank-Client)
Customer service - through a personal program installed on his computer. All payment data is stored on the device’s hard drive. Connection to the bank - through a modem (outdated technology) and the Internet.
The user manages the documentation and accounts through the Client Program without the constant participation of the Bank. For work, a wide range of functions is installed to analyze incidents and share user roles. The program is designed specifically for corporate clients, therefore includes a DBMS - database management system.
All this allows you to manage financial documentation and reporting of a large organization, to bring together different databases and analyze possible shortcomings of the management and economic system. Online work in the program through the network works with a similar data processing speed, as in offline mode.
Thin Client System (Internet Client)
The client uses electronic banking through an Internet resource in a browser. The system is hosted by the bank’s servers, where all data and documentation on customer accounts are stored. Mobile versions and applications for clients (mobile -banking) work on the basis of the electronic system of the bank. Issue programs with limited functionality for managing accounts and statements for quick operations.
Remote banking customer service via the Internet has its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of the Thin Client system:
- the cost of service is much reduced in comparison with the Fat Client system;
- updates are stored on the server of the bank, not cooperating with user programs;
- integration with accounting programs of accounting and audit when connecting a user computer to the network;
- loyalty programs for regular users of the thin client system;
- availability of an Internet connection system for an ordinary user.
Disadvantages of the Thin Client system:
- weak level of data protection on customer accounts and statements from unauthorized access;
- deficiencies of the client’s software and OS, Internet connection and local network protection increase the risk of hacker attacks on corporate accounts;
- maintaining the level of data security requires constant investment by the bank and the user company.
Systems "Telephone Bank"
These are systems with limited functionality, in which such services for the client are standardly included:
- checking account balance;
- data on incoming and outgoing operations of the client on accounts;
- filing an application for the provision of account statements;
- filing an application for the provision of statements of account operations;
- filing an application for creating a template for transferring funds.
Communication between the client and the bank is carried out in several ways:
- communication through the operator of the call center of the bank;
- communication through the phone with the client’s keyboard, which includes the voice menu or SMS manager of the exchange of requests.
Telephone banking security is supported in the following ways:
- using an electronic digital signature of the client registered with the bank, which is placed under the documents;
- encryption of packet data via protocols when communicating over the Internet;
- Cryptography on both sides of the communications with an Internet connection;
- Authentication of two different levels.
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